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What is Culture Change?

Traditionally nursing home care has focused on a medical model of care delivery. This model of care has led to unhappy staff, employee retention and recruitment challenges, and apathetic residents. Cultural Transformation seeks to change the direction of long term care by providing a philosophy focusing on a Community Model of Care.

  • Culture Change is a transformational philosophy that seeks to provide care to elders through a community model of care.
  • Culture Change focuses care delivery on placing the person before the task, empowering caregivers to develop relationships with residents and each other.
  • The Institute Team has identified 5 Core Principles of Culture Change to aid in the understanding of this philosophy:

Respect, Empowerment, Community,
Relationships & Choice

The Culture Change philosophy has been successful in creating vital life affirming communities:

  • Caregivers working in an organization that has adopted this philosophy report greater job satisfaction and are empowered to deliver superior quality of care.
  • Caregivers working within this environment also report a greater willingness to work in teams, increased job skills, increased confidence, and greater commitment to the home and to long term care.
  • Because of these factors, homes embracing Cultural Transformation also report a substantially improved retention rate for employees and an improved community reputation.
  • Homes that have adopted Culture Change report fewer deficiencies on their annual surveys, improved relationship with survey teams and an increase in admission referrals from outside sources due to their improved reputation in the community.

Exploring the 5 Core Principles of Culture Change... Read more>>